M&M's Experiential Marketing Stunt


M&M's Brand Activation

Falling M&M’s

MediaCom and the M&M’s brand team approached us to ideate a larger than life OOH installation. We took it a few steps further, incorporating a photo opp within the bowl of the falling M&M’s installation, and included a sampling plan that distributed over 16K full size packs of M&Ms over the course of three days at Yonge & Dundas Square. 

The activation included: 

  • 22’ tall Falling M&M’s installation
  • Interactive photo opp 
  • Brand Ambassadors
  • Samping full size packs of M&M’s
  • OOH media buy for 4 billboards surrounding Yonge & Dundas Square
  • CGI Falling M&M’s digital extension for social channels.

3 Activation Days

1.5M Live Impressions, Including the OOH billboards

16K Full packs of M&M’s distributed

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